SS Digital gave us a clear social media strategy our social presence was boosted to levels unimaginable. They know their game well.
Khaya Toti
Khaya pizza shack

How It All Started

Simple Serious Digital was founded by Sydney Kuvarega. His journey in the digital world began as a hobby in 2018. He delved into the realm of digital technologies and honed his skills through experimentation. He soon started offering digital services to international clients as a freelancer on most popular platforms.

In the interest of belonging i decided to offer the same service locally and in order to scale i had to build a team of skilled digital experts . That when i was awaken to the level of digital illiteracy among youths as well as small to medium enterprises.  This meant i had to train most of my team members and most small to medium enterprises could not desire my services because they don’t really understand what digital marketing is for instance and how it works. Therefore i decided to to my part in closing the digital divide.
Today, Sydney is a certified Google digital skills trainer and consultant working alongside the Simple Serious Digital team promoting digital literacy across the Africa., empowering marginalized individuals, communities and small to medium (SME) businesses the essential digital skills needed to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

The Two Legs That Drives Our Initiatives:

  • Helping small to medium businesses (SME) apply, improve, re imagine and re-innovate digital technologies to produce new business capabilities and competitive advantages. By simplifying digital transformation and providing easy-to-understand resources, small business owners can gain the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the digital age and achieve long-term success.
  • A commitment to provide comprehensive educational content and resources to bridge the digital divide, catering to diverse age groups, skill levels, and socio-economic backgrounds. We strive to create a digitally inclusive society, enabling people to harness the potential of digital technologies for increased access to information, improved communication, enhanced learning opportunities, and overall socio-economic growth.


Digital Literacy for Youths

Digital literacy refers to the skills, knowledge, and competencies required to effectively use digital technologies, devices, and media. It encompasses the ability to locate, understand, evaluate, create, and communicate using digital tools and platforms.

Digital Transformation for SMEs

It refers to the digital reshaping of an organisation’s products, processes, and strategy through modern technology. Business benefits from digital transformation include improvements in efficiency, customer value, risk management and the creation of new avenues for generating revenue.

Message from the founder

Hello everyone,

My name is Sydney Kuvarega, and I am the founder of the Simple Serious Digital, a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating digital illiteracy and promoting digital literacy across in Africa.
The rapid advancements in technology have transformed every aspect of our lives, from communication and education to employment and entertainment. However, not everyone has equal access to these digital resources and the opportunities they present.

We would love to afford everyone the opportunity to develop the digital skills they need to succeed in today’s interconnected world.

But we cannot do this alone. We need your support to continue our efforts in bridging the digital divide and fostering digital inclusivity. We invite you to partner with us in this noble initiative, whether through volunteering, donations, or spreading the word about our mission. Together, we can empower individuals and communities to thrive in the digital era, leaving no one behind.

Thank you for your interest in the Simple Serious Digital, and we look forward to collaborating with you to make a lasting, positive impact on the lives of people around the world.

Warm regards,

Sydney Kuvarega
Simple Serious Digital

Digital literacy is a fundamental human right, essential for personal growth, economic development, and social progress.

We are dedicated to eradicating digital illiteracy and promoting digital literacy and transformation in Africa, empowering individuals and communities with essential digital skills to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving landscape.