Transformation should be the focus not technology


Technology helps you do business differently, but the right strategy incorporates the right technologies for the right jobs.
Digital transformation involves cultural change, customer focus, business process optimization, data strategy, and skills and training. 

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What We Offer

Online Courses

Digital transformation is no longer a buzzword – it’s a must-have for businesses looking to stay competitive and thrive in today’s digital world.
The good news is that you don’t have to be a tech expert to get started – these free beginner friendly online courses can help you unlock the power of digital transformation and take your skills to the next level.

The courses cover a range of topics including:

Training & Consultancy

This is where we break down complex processes into manageable, step-by-step instructions to help explain digital concepts, tools, and trends in a simple, easy-to-follow manner.

Business Intelligence

Business intelligence is about taking data from its context in each group, business unit or workflow and transforming it into actionable information. That implies you know where the data comes from, you can trust it, you can trace it back to the root and you can act on it confidently.

Overall, the aim of business intelligence is to give organizations a competitive edge by enabling them to make data-driven decisions and take proactive measures based on insights gleaned from the data.


Customer Intelligence

A customer relationship management system (CRM) is your cooperate memory and the first and most critical technology to have in place.  


Financial Intelligence

Being able to track and understand your financial health through an (ERP) enterprise resource planner  is essential and it gives you more flexibility and visibility.


Employee Intelligence

The ideas and solutions that your employees generate are incredibly valuable, and if you can’t capture and access them, it’s a lost opportunity.


Systems Intelligence

The ability to monitor, understand, aggregate and correlate the data your system generates is principal in security.


Transformation should be the focus not technology

Technology helps you do business differently, but the right strategy incorporates the right technologies for the right jobs.
Digital transformation involves cultural change, customer focus, business process optimization, data strategy, and skills and training. 

Simple 6-D Jargon-Free Process

Empowering you to take control of your business’s digital journey.



Values, mission, goals & requirements gathering. Begin by taking stock of your business’s current digital capabilities. 



Brainstorming and story boarding. User experience and user journey maps. Set specific, measurable goals  for your



Visual concepts, mockups and functional design. Start planning the digital solutions that will help your business

Explore Free Resources

Digital Transformation Blog

Expert tips and advice for SMEs looking to start their digital transformation journey. Take me there.

Join Our YouTube Community

Want to know the secret to digital success? It’s simple – join our YouTube community! Hit that subscribe button and join the fun!

Digital Tools & Resources

Are you tired of feeling left behind in the digital race? Our free resource library can help you catch up and even surpass your competitors. 

Join Our facebook Community

Hey, friend! Want to be part of the coolest club around? Join our Facebook community and become part of the digital elite. 

Every Business Needs a Website

Unlock the gateway to unlimited digital growth, transform your online presence, elevate your brand with our cutting edge Web Design Solutions.

At Simple Serious Digital we define customer support as the act of providing timely, empathetic help that keeps customers’ needs at the forefront of every interaction and the best part is, we live up to it.

We employ a results oriented strategy on all our client projects making them measurable. This enables our clients to quantify success and evaluate their progress.

We know UI and UX design. Our goal is to position your business as a top player in your industry and crash all the competition. Our websites are interactive and come equipped with all the latest features and technology as you may require.

We get it, marketers are under pressure to show concrete results from their marketing spend, prove their impact on revenue, and focus spending on channels with the highest returns. Our simple ROI formula with the right KPIs helps businesses determine the success of current investments and project future results.

We understand Digital Transformation and and constantly up to date with all the latest digital trends. 
We live in a digital world therefore we are here to share our knowledge, experience and expertise to help facilitate the re-imagining of business in a digital world. This is Digital Transformation.

Simple Serious Digital has a genuine commitment in delivering customer value. A customer-centric way of doing business is focused on providing a positive customer experience before and after the sale in order to drive repeat business, enhance customer loyalty and improve business growth.
We also help our clients in building customer-centric culture in their organizations.